It's my birthday and I am nineteen years old! o how I have grown.
Mom asked me what i wanted for my birthday, and I had really no idea. So the girls in my hall who play the ukulele inspired me to ask for one. So, we went to the mall and bought this little beauty and I named her Layla :)
She also got me the pop-up book of the century! Just look at this baby! This is no child's pop up book. I love it so much. The pages include Diagon Alley, Hogwarts (as you can see here) Hagrid's Hut/Forbidden Forrest, Harry retrieving the egg from the Hungarian Horntail, and Harry and Voldemort in the Graveyard in Great Hangleton!
Harly and Lauren took me to Zupas for lunch, my cousin Ryan and his friends made me brownies, and my parents are taking me to dinner this weekend! Birthdays are so very wonderful!